7 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Michaela Stastna with the persons below:
Malinda Carpenter
- School of Psychology and Neuroscience - Professor in Developmental Psychology
- Centre for Research into Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
- Centre for Social Learning & Cognitive Evolution
- Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences
Person: Academic
Erin Robbins
- School of Psychology and Neuroscience - Lecturer in Developmental Psychology
- Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences
- Centre for Social Learning & Cognitive Evolution
Person: Academic
Josep Call
- School of Psychology and Neuroscience - Professor in Evolutionary Origins of Mind
- Centre for Social Learning & Cognitive Evolution
- Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences
Person: Academic
Joanne Elizabeth Cecil
Person: Academic
Rebecca Walmsley
- School of Medicine - MBChB Programme Director
- Education Division
Person: Academic, Academic - Teaching