Personal profile

Research overview

I began my PhD studies at the University of St Andrews in October of 2022, and am researching "Scots and the "Protestant International", 1689-1732". I aim to examine the consciousness of a "European Protestant Cause" in Scotland, its political impact, and the roles of those Scots at its military and diplomatic frontlines.

I am extremely grateful to the Scottish Graduate School for the Arts and Humanities for fully funding this research, and to my excellent supervisors, Professor Guy Rowlands and Dr Derek Patrick

Before this, I completed my MPhil with Distinction at the University of Cambridge (2021-2022), on Presbyterian monarchism after 1688, which was funded by a Scholarship from the Cambridge Trust. It built on my undergraduate studies, which were also at the University of Cambridge (2018-2021). 

I am particularly interested in religion and politics in seventeenth and eighteenth-century Scotland, Britain and Europe, the fashioning of political images, the New Diplomatic History, and cultures of monarchy. I am always interested in an email about any of these on [email protected].

Additionally, I am a tutor on the Undergraduate Module MO1007: The Early Modern Western World, and the Fulbright-supported St Andrews Scottish History Summer School. I am a member of the Committee of the Ecclesiastical History Society 2024-2027.

Education/Academic qualification

Master of Philosophy, Scottish Conceptions of the 'Protestant Warrior-Prince', c.1688-c.1730., University of Cambridge

5 Oct 20212 Jun 2022

Award Date: 22 Oct 2022

Bachelor of Arts, Undergraduate Dissertation: 'Scottish Presbyterians and the 'Protestant Cause', c.1685-c.1748'., University of Cambridge

5 Oct 20188 Jun 2021

Award Date: 3 Jul 2021