Personal profile

Research overview

My project, which is supervised by Dr Thomas Biggs and Dr Emma Buckley, aims at finding a new methodology to understand the poetic techniques of Statius and Silius Italicus. Despite blatantly declaring their will to take up Vergil's poetic legacy, Statius and Silius Italicus are unequivocally also epic successors of Lucan. In the broader sense, my project aims to help improve our understanding of the Bellum Ciuile's early reception, and to grasp the personal ways in which Statius and Silius reworked one of their central models.

The distinct contribution of my project is in its methodological approach. I work by pairing passages from the Thebaid and the Punica that share a Lucanian ancestry, exploring this triangle of texts as an intertwined scheme of mutual responses to the poetic challenge of composition. 

Teaching activity

2024-2025 Semester 1

  • LT2001 Unseens
  • GK1005 Unseens

Education/Academic qualification

Master of Arts, Filologia, Letterature e Storia dell'Antichità, University of Turin

16 Dec 201913 Jul 2022

Award Date: 13 Jul 2022

Bachelor of Arts, Lettere, University of Turin

23 Sept 201619 Nov 2019

Award Date: 19 Nov 2019


  • PA Classical philology
  • Flavian Age
  • Neronian Age
  • Intertextuality
  • Epic Poetry
  • Latin Poetry