Laura Moretti


  • KY16 9AJ

    United Kingdom

Accepting Postgraduate Research Students

Personal profile

Research overview

Laura Moretti took her undergraduate degree in architecture and also holds a professional performance diploma in violoncello. She has a PhD in architectural history, and has been working for several years on the relationship between architecture and music. She has held prestigious post-doctoral and research positions (Department of History of Art, University of Cambridge, 2005-07; Worcester College, University of Oxford, 2007-10; Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, 2010 and 2014-15).

In 2005-08 she participated in the project 'Architecture and Music in Renaissance Venice' led by Professor Deborah Howard at the University of Cambridge. In 2014-16 she has been the co-ordinator of the International Network ‘Daniele Barbaro (1514-70): In and Beyond the Text’, funded by the Leverhulme Trust. In 2016-20 she co-directed, with Daryl Green (Edinburgh University Library, Centre for Research Collections), the research and impact project ‘Thinking 3D’.  She has curated and co-curated several exhibitions and organised events in Italy and UK related to these projects, including Thinking 3D from Leonardo to the present at the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford. In 2021-22 she worked on the project 'Object history and museum display. The adventurous life of the Berlin "Adorante"', thanks to a Leverhulme Trust International Fellowship.

She is the author of In the House of the Muses: Collection, Display, and Performance in the Veronese Palace of Mario Bevilacqua (1536-93), Turnhout: Brepols; London: Harvey Miller, 2020; Dagli Incurabili alla Pietà. Le chiese degli Ospedali Grandi veneziani tra architettura e musica (1522-1790), Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2008, and the joint author (with Deborah Howard) of Sound and Space in Renaissance Venice. Architecture, Music, Acoustics, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2009. She is the co-editor of Daniele Barbaro 1514-1570. Vénitien, patricien, humaniste, Turnhout: Brepols, 2017 (with Pierre Caye, Frédérique Lemerle and Vasco Zara); Daniele Barbaro (1514-70). Letteratura, scienza e arti nella Venezia del Rinascimento, Cornuda (Treviso): Antiga, 2015 (with Susy Marcon), La chiesa e l’ospedale di San Lazzaro dei Mendicanti. Arte, beneficenza, cura, devozione, educazione, Venice: Marcianum Press, 2015 (with Alexandra Bamji and Linda Borean), The Music Room in Early Modern France and Italy: Sound, Space and Object, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012 (with Deborah Howard), and Architettura e Musica nella Venezia del Rinascimento, Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2006 (with Deborah Howard).

She is currently working on a monograph provisionally entitled The adventurous life of the Betende Knabe. Her latest articles include ‘Gli inventari della “Casa dell’Orto”: Nuove Indagini sulla collezione di disegni e stampe di Niccolò Gaddi’, Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz 64/1 (2022): 68-99; ‘Tintoretto’s Louvre “Paradise” in Palazzo Bevilacqua, Verona’, The Burlington Magazine 162/1408 (2020): 570-578; ‘From the Vite or the Ritratti? Previously unknown portraits from Vasari’s Libro de’ Disegni,’ I Tatti Studies 21/1 (2018): 105-136 (co-authored with Sean Roberts), and ‘The palazzo, collections, and musical patronage of Niccolò Gaddi (1536-1591),’ Journal of the History of Collections 29/2 (2017): 189-207.

She would welcome research students with interests in any area of Italian art and architecture c.1450-1600.

Profile Keywords

Architectural history in early modern Italy; use of architectural space for musical performances, artwork display, and collecting practices in early modern Italy; history of the early modern illustrated book.


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