Personal profile

Research overview

Laura Greene (she/her) is a third-year PhD candidate in the School of English, supervised by Dr. Gregory Tate. Her thesis explores the intersections between idealist philosophy and women’s poetry of the Victorian period, arguing that Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti, George Eliot, Mathilde Blind, and Constance Naden were exposed to and influenced by idealism and responded diversely to this philosophy through their poetry. Before commencing her doctoral research, Laura received her bachelor’s with honors in English Literature from the University of Florida before completing her MLitt at the University of St Andrews in Romantic and Victorian Studies. Her broader research interests concern the relationship between nineteenth-century philosophy and women’s writing, poetry, and translation.

Teaching activity

EN1004 Empires and Revolutions: Literature 1680-1830 (Candlemas 2024)

EN1003 Culture and Conflict: An Introduction to Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Literature (Martinmas 2024)