Julie Struthers

Julie Struthers


  • KY16 9TF

    United Kingdom

Personal profile

Research overview

My main research interests are in

  1. The use of technology to support learning
  2. Research Teaching Linkages
  3. ePortfolios
  4. use of video in learning and teaching

I am currently evaluating the use of text messages to gather feedback from students on clinical placements.  In addition have a particular interest in curriculum management systems and learning environments and how these are evolving with the rapid changes in web applications and mobile devices.

I was project leader for a QAA enhancement theme on Research Teaching Linkages and graduate attributes, particularly in relation to Medicine. Work on this area is continuing with further data collection, analysis and writing in this area.

Portfolios are a key part of the Medical Curriculum and I have worked working closely with the academics over the past few years in the development of an ePortfolio. We have developed a series of structured tasks to develop the students’ skills of reflective practice. Our portfolio focuses on the planning, recording and reflecting on learning throughout the Professional areas of the curriculum. We plan to further develop the portfolio within the School and fully integrate it into the curriculum and make the best use of technology to achieve this.

Up and coming work

We have recently installed a video capture system throughout the School to be used in clinical and communication skills teaching.  This is to be used for teaching, sel- assessment and summative assessment purposes.

In addition the main lecture theatre has a lecture capture device installed.

My research will focus on the introduction of these new technologies and their impact on learning, teaching and assessment.