Personal profile


I graduated MA and DPhil from St Catherine's College, Oxford. My doctorate was in topology, supervised by Graeme Segal.

In forty years at St Andrews I was lucky to be able to teach a wide variety of courses. Notes for some of these courses are available from my personal home page.

Since my retirement I have amused myself with the upkeep and expansion of the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.

My personal home page is at THIS LINK.

Research overview

My interests are now mainly in the History of Mathematics.

Other expertise

With Edmund Robertson I was one of the two developers of the award winning Mathematical MacTutor software, which pioneered the use of computing in St Andrews mathematical teaching.


Also with Edmund Robertson I am one of the maintainers of the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive on the World Wide Web. This has won many awards for its breadth of cover and innovation.

Academic/Professional Qualification

M.A, University of Oxford; D.Phil., University of Oxford


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