6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Jennifer Taylorson with the persons below:
Glyn Peter Davis
- Film Studies - Professor of Film Studies, Director of Research
- School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies - Director of Impact, Director of Research
- Centre for Contemporary Art
Person: Academic
Dr Paula Villegas, EdD
- International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute - Associate Lecturer in Academic English and TESOL
Person: Academic - Teaching
Eoin Jordan, EdD SFHEA
- University of St Andrews
- International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute - Professor/Senior Co-Director
Person: Academic - Teaching
Daniel Jacob Robins
- School of Geography & Sustainable Development - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary
Ana Paola Gutierrez Garza
Person: Academic