G Ian Alsop

G Ian Alsop


  • KY16 9TS

    United Kingdom

Personal profile

Research overview

Geostructure; Tectonics Geometry; Deformation;

Research interests

1. Salt Tectonics.  The analysis of the kinematic and tectonic evolution of structures developed within sediment overburden adjacent to salt diapirs. This study involves several disciplines including physical modelling of salt structures, analysis of seismic sections and core/well data from case studies.

2. Reactivation of fault zones.  The control and influence exerted by major, basement fault zones on the structural and tectonic evolution of crustal blocks with special reference to kinematic overprinting of fabrics and re-use of pre-existing structural geometries.

3. Kinematics of large-scale mid-crustal shear zones a) The structural analysis of progressive deformation and regional patterns of fold axis rotation, especially the distribution, geometry and kinematic significance of buckle folds generated in the hangingwall of major mylonite zones. b) The applicability of strain partitioning models within regional shear zones, and the influence/control exerted by original lithological homogeneity on regional strain localisation.

4. Ductile extension and collapse within overthickened crust a) Detailed field study and observation of relative overprinting relationships between multiple sets of lineations and extensional fabrics, leading to kinematic models of crustal thickening, metamorphism and extension along basement-cover detachments, and also within the overthickened nappe pile. b) Study of the relative timing and importance of prograde metamorphism/porphyroblast growth on influencing fluid release, thereby reducing shear strength of materials and facilitating or triggering regional extension and collapse.

5. Influence of original basin geometry on deformation a) Restoration of late stage strike-slip faulting, as a precursor to unfolding and the reconstruction of original basin geometry. b) The relationship between patterns of original sedimentation and the basin configuration, and its control on subsequent deformation geometries.

6. The role of basement lineaments in orogenic evolution. a) Detailed analysis of regional orogenic bends associated with fundamental lineaments, involving the study of sedimentation patterns, deformation geometries and igneous intrusive relationships. b) The influence of pre-existing lineaments in determining sedimentary variation and ultimately controlling zones of anomalous shear in mid-crustal thrust-stack systems.

See Sedimentary Systems Research Unit for more information.

Industrial relevance

Salt tectonics and hydrocarbon exploration.

Folding and fracturing and hydrocarbon exploration

Shear zones and mineral exploration.

Academic/Professional Qualification

Ph.D., University of Durham; B.Sc., University of Liverpool

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 14 - Life Below Water


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