Personal profile
Research overview
Emily graduated from the University of St Andrews with a first class BSc (Hons) Geology degree. During her degree she developed a passion for geological field mapping, structural geology and economic geology. This lead her to her first career as an exploration geologist, exploring for orogenic gold within an archaen greenstone belt in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Following this, Emily pursued a career as an engineering geologist in Aberdeen, conducting fieldwork across Scotland for various development projects.
Emily is now pursuing a PhD at the University of St Andrews, working with the M3Ore lab group. Her research is focussed on how the regional and local structure of Ilímaussaq, a famous layered igneous intrusion in southern Greenland, influences the formation of the intrusion's world-class economic ore deposits.
Emily is combining classic field mapping methods with three-dimensional drone and digital mapping methods in order to capture and elucidate the complex structural history of the study area. In addition to field methods, state-of-the-art rock magnetics analyses such as anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) will be used to collect structural data invisible to the naked eye, allowing for a novel dataset to be created in one of the most studied geological areas in the world.