Personal Website:
See full CV here:
Article: Maboudi, T. & D’Amico, E. (2024). Vulnerability, Climate Laws, and Adaptation in the Middle East and North Africa. Environmental Policy and Governance.
- Article: D’Amico, E. (R&R). Unrest in Urbanity: Unraveling the Impact of Economic Shocks on Migration and Urban Dynamics. Review of International Political Economy.
- Article: D’Amico, E., Melin, M., & Sosa, S. (R&R). No Ex-Combatant Left Behind: Economic Reintegration & the Durability of Peace. Journal of Peace Research.
- Book Chapter: D’Amico, E. Chapter 4: The National Framework for Peace: Cross-national Instances of Economic Reincorporation in Treaties and their Outcomes. In M. Melin & S. Sosa (Eds.), The Missing Peace: Understanding Private Enterprises in Conflict Prevention and Resolution. Oxford University Press.
- Book Chapter: Clausen, M. & D’Amico, E. Chapter 7: Reducing Urban Violence: The Case of Chicago. In M. Melin & S. Sosa (Eds.), The Missing Peace: Understanding Private Enterprises in Conflict Prevention and Resolution. Oxford University Press.
- Article: D’Amico, E. Balancing the Power: A Comparative Analysis of Hydropower Development and Conflict in the Global Renewable Energy Transition. Global Environmental Politics.
- Article: D’Amico, E. Resilient by Design: An Investigation of Climate Adaptation Laws in New England. Nature Cities.
- Article: D’Amico, E. & Maboudi, T. Timing Matters: Analyzing Climate Policies and Adaptive Resilience. Nature Climate Change.
- Article: D’Amico, E., & Houghton, K. Financial dependencies and conflict resolution: The role of militarized mediators in modern insurgencies. Civil Wars.
- Article: D’Amico, E. & Maboudi, T. Life, Liberty, and Litigation: The Impact of Environmental Laws and Constitutional Rights on Climate Change Litigation. Journal of Politics.
- Book: D’Amico, Elisa A. Turbulent Tides: Climate, Migration, Conflict, and the Quest for Economic Stability. Oxford University Press "Studies in Comparative Energy and Environmental Politics" series, planned.
- Article: D’Amico, E., Hendrix, C., & Glaser, S. From Ocean Changes to Conflict: Predicting Fishery-Related Militarized Disputes in a Warming World.
- Article: Peter, M. & D’Amico, E. Conflict Management in a Multipolar World: Identifying the Turning Point.
- Article: D’Amico, E. Climate Quandary: Investigating Causality from Climate Displacement to Unrest.
- Report: D’Amico, E. (2024). Semi-automated Coding for Conflict Mediation Research: Database Development. In Peace Analytics Series. PeaceRep.
- Policy Brief: D’Amico, E. (2024). How Climate Shocks Impact Rebel Demands and Peace Agreement
Outcomes. In Peace Analytics Series. PeaceRep - Conference Paper: D’Amico, E. & Peter, M. (2024). Enhancing Conflict Mediation Research: Introducing the Innovative Global Peace Actors Database (GLO-PAD). CARMA 2024. Valencia, June 2024.
- IOM Blog Post: D’Amico, E. (2024). “Stitching a Sustainable Future: Policy for Youth Migration, and Climate in Bangladesh’s Textile Industry” in Blog Series: Youth, Migration, Environment, Climate Change, And Disaster Risk Reduction. IOM UN Migration.
- Legal Case: D’Amico, E. (2023). Montenegro v. Ashcroft Case Summary. Earth Refuge Legal Database.
- Op-Ed: D’Amico, E. (2023). Rising Tides and Sudden Surprises: The Two Faces of Climate Displacement. Medium.
Conference Presentations
- American Political Science Association (APSA)
- Climate Quandary: Investigating Causality from Climate Displacement to Unrest, Virtual Research Meeting, 2024
- Unrest in Urbanity: Unraveling the Impact of Economic Shocks on Migration and Urban Dynamics, 2023
- Vulnerability, Climate Change Laws, and Adaptation in the MENA Region, 2022
- Empirical Studies of Conflict (ESOC) – Annual Meeting, 2023
- Climate Quandary: Investigating Causality from Climate Displacement to Unrest.
- Midwest Political Science Association
- Climate Migration, Economic Drivers, and Urban Unrest: A quasi-experimental analysis in Bangladesh, 2023
- The Climate-Conflict Nexus: Urban Migration and Data Innovations, 2022
- How Integration Policy Moderates the Relationship Between Migration and Crime: A Cross- National Analysis, 2020
- International Studies Association – Annual Conference
- Economic Reincorporation in Civil War Peace Treaties & Peace Outcomes, 2022
- Xenophobia and Its Implications for Refugee Policies: A Cross-National Study, 2018
Invited Lectures and Presentations
- Progress, Pitfalls, and Promises of Political Science in Migration and Citizenship Research, APSA Virtual Research Meeting 2024
- University of Oregon, (Global Environmental Politics Research Talk), Fall 2023 The Department of Government and Public Policy
- University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (International Relations Research Talk), Fall 2023 The Department of Government and Public Policy
- Solutions to Environmental Problems (STEP): Climate Action (Invited Speaker), “Migration-Preventative Adaptation Responses” March 2, 2023
- Back in Business: Bringing firms into Global Local Networks of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding, ISA 2023 Annual Convention, Montréal
- Ideas, Interests, Institutions, and Nation-state Climate Politics: Mitigators, Adapters, and Mitigator-Adapters Conference, “Vulnerability, Climate-Change Laws, and Adaptation in the Middle East and North Africa,” Convoke a conference at Tulane University, 2022
Professional Affiliations and Service:
- Private Enterprise and Peace (PEP) Lab Research Affiliate, 2023-Present
- American Political Science Association (APSA), 2022-Present (Sections: Migration & Citizenship, Conflict Processes)
- Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) – Political Science Department (Delegate 2020, Secretary 2021, President 2022)
- International Studies Association (ISA), 2022-Present (Sections: Environmental Studies; Ethnicity, Nationalism, & Migration Studies; Peace Studies)
- National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), 2022-Present
- Pi Sigma Alpha – Political Honor Society, 2016-Present
- Junior Scholars in International Security, etc (JSISE) Organizer, 2023-2024
- Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Symposium Co-Organizer, 2022-2023
- Loyola Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program, Summer 2022
- Loyola Undergraduate Research & Engagement Symposium, Spring 2022 (Evaluator)
- RefugeeOne, English Tutor, 2019-2023 (English Language Tutor, Chicago, IL, USA)
- Project Elea Refugee Camp, Teacher, Summer 2019 (Athens, Greece)
Loyola University Chicago, Department of Political Science
- Lecturer, Political Science 102: International Relations in an Age of Globalization
- Teaching Assistant, Political Science 300D: Faculty-Led Program in Colombia
Iowa State University, Department of Political Science, 2017-2018
- Teaching Assistant
- Political Science 235: Introduction to Ethics and Politics
- Political Science 241: Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics
- Political Science 301: Introduction to Empirical Political Science Research
- Political Science 305: Political Behavior
- Political Science 360: American Institutions: Congress
See here for more:
- English: Native Language
- Spanish: Intermediate Listener and Speaker, Advanced Reading and Writing
- Turkish: Intermediate-Mid (ACTFL)
- Arabic: Intermediate-Low (coursework in Arabic 101-104)
- DataCamp Data Scientist Professional, R; SQL, Python (2023)
- Qualtrics XM Professional Certification (2023)
- Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM) Certification (2022)
Computer and Technical Skills:
- Data Skills: Querying in SQL/Python; Excel VBA; GIS data management and analysis; data mining in R; data merging in STATA
- Software Proficiency: R, QGIS, SQL, STATA, JMP, Python, Google App Script, SAS, SPSS, Excel VBA
See here for more: