Carla Maria Steinbrecher

Carla Maria Steinbrecher


Personal profile

Research overview

Co-Tutelle Doctoral Candidate in the Department of German funded by a Global PhD Scholarship in Cultural Studies, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and University of St Andrews 

Research Project: Chile and the Public Sphere: Mediations of an International Socialist Imaginary in East German Culture 1970 to 1983.

Research Interests:

  • Cultural Relations between German and Hispanic Cultures in the 20th century
  • East German Literature, Film and Music
  • Global Socialism
  • Cultural Production and the Public Sphere


Steinbrecher, Carla. 2023. 'QUINTEROS OCHOA, Leonor. 2020. Exilkind: Briefe und Erinnerungen aus Chile und Deutschland. Berlin/Tübingen: Schiler & Mücke', apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 10 (Juni 2023), 311–315. DOI:

'Chile in der DDR – geteilte Utopien? Ein Gespräch von Carla Steinbrecher mit dem Regisseur und Schauspieler Alejandro Quintana Contreras', Demokratischer Salon (Februar 2022), Norbert Reichel (ed.). [Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28.02.2022].

Network Coordinator, German Screen Studies Network (GSSN)

Teaching activity:

Tutoring in German-speaking literature of the 19th and 20th century, 20th century and contemporary German-speaking film, and German language writing skills

Modules GM2007/8 (Second Level Ex-Beginners German Language), GM2003 (Second Level Advanced German Language), GM1001/2 (The Making of Today's Germany, 1945–today), GM2011/2012 (The Age of Goethe; Unification to First World War)

External positions

Network Coordinator, German Screen Studies Network (GSSN)