Personal profile

Research overview

Research related to physics education.

Formerly the physics and applications of ultra-miniature diode-pumped solid-state lasers,including microchip lasers. 


Other expertise

I have run laser development projects in collaboration with UK and US companies.

Industrial relevance

Undersea vision systems. Remote sensing of airspeed.

Academic/Professional Qualification

B.Sc., Physics, University of St Andrews; Ph.D., University of St Andrews;

Teaching activity

Coordinator of taught postgraduate programmes in photonics, Senior photonics lab head.

Lecturing, leading student-centred whole-class work, and small group tutorials in first, second, and third year.  Lecturing at MPhys and MSc level.  Laboratory leader in third and fourth year and taught postgrad photonics labs. 

Former Director of Teaching for the School.

Involvement with research and development of student learning experience.