Bernard Pierre Emile Bentley


  • KY16 9PH

    United Kingdom

Personal profile

Research overview

GOLDEN AGE: Drama (Lope de Vega, Velez de Guevara, Calderon); Poetry (San Juan de la Cruz, Quevedo); Prose (Cervantes); Historiography;

Spanish CINEMA


Research interests

GOLDEN AGE Drama (Lope de Vega, Velez de Guevara, Calderon's comedias de capa y espada); Poetry (San Juan de la Cruz, Quevedo); Prose (Cervantes); Historiography;

Spanish CINEMA (film narrative and history)

Other expertise

Interested and authored in Computer Assisted Learning development: STANCALL, HYPERTEXT, A TU LENGUA, WebCT modules.

Future research

Developing as articles statements and claims  from A Companion to Spanish Cinema,

and going back to Calderon's comedias de capa y espada

Industrial relevance

Comprehensive information about Spanish Cinema is always useful to and can be exploited by Distributors and Theatres

Academic/Professional Qualification

MA, University of St Andrews; Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland; Asociacion Internacional del Siglo de Oro


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