6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Bernadette Ann-Marie O'Hare with the persons below:
Rachel Etter-Phoya
- School of Medicine - Research Assistant
- Infection and Global Health Division
Person: Academic - Research
Eilish Anne Hannah
- School of Medicine - Academic Fellow in General Practice
- Population and Behavioural Science Division
Person: Academic - Research
Caroline Humfress
- School of History - Professor in Medieval History, Deputy Head of School
- St Andrews Centre for the Receptions of Antiquity
- Centre for Minorities Research
- Centre for Late Antique Studies
- Institute of Legal and Constitutional Research
- Centre for Global Law and Governance
- St Andrews Institute of Medieval Studies
Person: Academic
Marisol Lopez
- School of Medicine - Honorary Research Fellow
- Population and Behavioural Science Division
Person: Honorary, Academic - Research