Personal profile
Research overview
I am working on volcanic gas measurements at the East African Rift Volcanoes under the supervision of Dr. William Hutchison, Prof Richard Bates, and Dr. Eva Stueeken.
My Ph.D. project focuses on measurements of soil CO2 flux combined with the determination of the carbon isotopic composition of soil CO2 and analyzing noble gases (like He) collected from fumaroles. I used these measurements to identify the CO2 source feeding to the surface and quantitatively estimate the CO2 emissions. In addition, it is essential to evaluate the potential geothermal resource and understand the possible volcanic hazards associated with these volcanoes in the populated areas of the East African Rift.
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Trace and major element concentrations of mineral phases found in ETZ-13 (alkaline basalt from the Main Ethiopian Rift) and glass/mineral compositions in the run products of experiments conducted at various P-T-XH2O in an internally heated pressure vessel using this basalt
Sauvalle, R. (Creator), Scaillet, B. (Creator), Prouteau, G. (Creator), Scaillet, S. (Creator), Cioni, R. (Creator), Franceshini, Z. (Creator), Frascerra, D. (Creator), Sani, F. (Creator), Corti, G. (Creator), Melaku, A. A. (Creator), Andujar, J. (Creator), Sauvalle, R. (Contributor), Sauvalle, R. (Contributor), Scaillet, B. (Contributor), Prouteau, G. (Contributor), Scaillet, S. (Contributor), Cioni, R. (Contributor), Cioni, R. (Contributor), Franceshini, Z. (Contributor), Frascerra, D. (Contributor), Sani, F. (Contributor), Corti, G. (Contributor), Melaku, A. A. (Creator), Andujar, J. (Contributor), Geodynamics Lab (ISTO: Earth Sciences Institute Of Orléans, F. (Contributor) & Sauvalle, R. (Contributor), GFZ Data Services, 1 Dec 2024