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Mary Abed Al Ahad
- School of Geography & Sustainable Development - Associate Lecturer in Population and Health Geography
- Population and Health Research
Person: Academic - Teaching
Yasemin Gulsum Acar
- School of Psychology and Neuroscience - Lecturer in Social Psychology
Person: Academic
Katrin Ackermann
- School of Chemistry - Senior Research Fellow
- Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences
Person: Academic - Research
Catherine S Adamson
- School of Biology - Senior Lecturer
- Biomedical Sciences Research Complex
Person: Academic
Mario I Aguilar
- School of Divinity - Professor of Religion and Politics
- Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics - Director
Person: Academic
James Ainge
- School of Psychology and Neuroscience - Head of the School of Psychology and Neuroscience, Professor
- Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences
Person: Academic
Laura Aitken
- School of Chemistry - Coordinator for Engineering
- Biomedical Sciences Research Complex
Person: Research Support
Lesley Aitken
Person: Research Support
Ozgur Akgun
- School of Computer Science - Senior Lecturer, Director of Impact
- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Computational Algebra
Person: Academic
Laura Albertini
- Italian - Associate Lecturer in Italian Language
- School of Modern Languages
Person: Academic - Teaching
Catherine Ales
- School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies - Honorary Research Fellow
- Social Anthropology - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary
Robin Alexander
- School of Medicine - Research Fellow in Medical Statistics
- Population and Behavioural Science Division
Person: Academic - Research
Nicola Allison
- School of Earth & Environmental Sciences - Reader
- Scottish Oceans Institute
- St Andrews Isotope Geochemistry
- Marine Alliance for Science & Technology Scotland
Person: Academic, Academic - Research
Ilary Allodi
- School of Psychology and Neuroscience - Lecturer in Systems Neuroscience
Person: Academic
Magnus Stephen Alphey
- School of Biology - X-ray Facility Manager
- Biomedical Sciences Research Complex
- Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences
Person: Academic - Research
Rodrigo Alvarez Gutierrez
- School of Physics and Astronomy - Research Fellow
Person: Academic - Research