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Abramson Award, Harvard University
Richardson, Louise (Recipient), 1998
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Academic Fellow of the Psychoanalytic Centre of Philadelphia
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), 1 Sept 2004
Prize: Other distinction
Alumni Award, Trinity College Dublin
Richardson, L. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Annual Graduate Dissertation Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis University of Illinois at Chicago
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), 2000
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Associate Research Fellow; The Doctoral School for Research in Psychoanalysis (L'Ecole Doctorale Recherches en Psychanalyse), University of Paris VII
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), 2003
Prize: Other distinction
Auditor's Medal, Debating Union, University of Limerick
Richardson, Louise (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Bok Center, Harvard University
Richardson, L. (Recipient), 1998
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Contributions to Excellence in Education
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), 19 Apr 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Doctor honoris causa of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)
Richardson, L. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Honorary degree
DSSc, Honoris Causa, Queens University, Belfast
Richardson, L. (Recipient), Jul 2015
Prize: Honorary degree
East European Junior Scholars’ Fellow,
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), 13 Aug 1999
Prize: Other distinction
Emeritus Member of the Young Academy of Scotland
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), 1 Nov 2016
Prize: Election to learned society
Excellence in Teaching (Postgraduate) Award
Marsden, S. V. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Richardson, L. (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Election to learned society
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
English, R. L. (Recipient), Mar 2015
Prize: Election to learned society
Harvard University GSAS Centennial
Richardson, L. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Honorary Fellow, Waterford Institute of Technology
Richardson, Louise (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Election to learned society
International Young Researcher, Havighurst Center for Russian and Post Soviet Studies
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), Oct 2005
Prize: Other distinction
Levenson Prize, Harvard University
Richardson, Louise (Recipient), 2000
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
LLD, Honoris Causa, University of Aberdeen
Richardson, L. (Recipient), Jun 2015
Prize: Honorary degree
Member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh's Young Academy of Scotland
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), 30 Nov 2011
Prize: Election to learned society
National Fellow of the American Psychoanalytic Association
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), 1 Aug 2006
Prize: Other distinction
Oustanding teaching in political science, American Political Science Association and Pi Sigma Alpha
Richardson, Louise (Recipient), 2000
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Shortlisted - Best Postgraduate Research Thesis Supervisor
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), Apr 2020
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Shortlisted - Excellence in Teaching Honours Level (Arts)
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), Apr 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
U.S. State Department Speaker and Specialist Award
Murer, J. S. (Recipient), 15 Jun 2003
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)