Projects per year
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The Role of the University in the Ethical Digital Nation
Ardati, A. A. (CoPI), Ross, K. (CoPI), Voss, A. (CoPI), MacKenzie, M. L. (Researcher), Miguel, I. J. (Researcher), Miguel, A. R. (Researcher), Balasubramaniam, D. (Researcher), Sarkar, S. (Researcher), Jacques, J. T. (Researcher), Galan-Diaz, C. (Researcher), Zhu, X. (Researcher), Crean, A. P. (Researcher) & Venters, T. (Researcher)
Scotland’s Future Series - University of St Andrews
1/08/24 → 31/01/25
Project: Standard
Quasi-linear Approach To Modelling: A Quasi-linear Approach To Modelling Jupiter's Dynamics
Lemasquerier, D. (PI)
1/08/23 → 31/07/24
Project: Standard
Building impact in gibbon conservation: Building impact in gibbon conservation
Oedekoven, C. S. (PI) & Borchers, D. L. (CoI)
1/08/23 → 31/07/24
Project: Standard
Sharing the history and science of total: Sharing the history and science of total solar eclipses
Kent, D. (PI)
Science & Technology Facilities Council
15/05/23 → 31/08/23
Project: Standard
Ensuring ongoing impact of distance samp: Ensuring ongoing impact of distance sampling methods and software for wildlife population assessment
Thomas, L. (PI), Marshall, L. H. (CoI) & Rexstad, E. (CoI)
3/04/23 → 2/04/24
Project: Standard
Encouraging Collective Action: Encouraging Collective Action Via The Cultural Evolution Of Interdependence
Stewart, A. J. (PI)
1/01/23 → 30/06/24
Project: Standard
New Directions in AMD Codes over Galois: New directions in AMD codes over Galois fields and related structures
Huczynska, S. (PI)
1/01/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Standard
Who bears the burden of antibiotic resistance in East Africa? Mathematical modelling of socioeconomic disadvantage and resistance
Sippy, R. (PI), Keenan, K. L. (CoI), Lynch, A. (CoI), Holden, M. (CoI), Kesby, M. (CoI) & Smith, V. A. (CoI)
STAIRS - St Andrews Interdisciplinary Research Support
1/09/22 → 31/07/23
Project: Standard
London Mathematical Society (LMS) Research in Pairs Grant
Margaritella, N. (PI)
19/06/22 → 26/06/22
Project: Other
Topological and geometrical: Topological and geometrical aspects of self-similar and related fractals
Falconer, K. J. (PI)
6/06/22 → 15/07/22
Project: Standard
Stabilisation of exact coherent structur: Stabilisation of exact coherent structures in fluid turbulence
Lucas, D. (PI)
1/06/22 → 31/08/22
Project: Standard
Increasing public engagement with solar: Increasing public engagement with solar physics and astronomy through MacTutor
Neukirch, T. (PI) & Falconer, I. J. (CoI)
Science & Technology Facilities Council
1/06/22 → 31/03/23
Project: Standard
Spatial Capture-recapture with Memory: Spatial Capture-recapture with Memory: A New Hidden Markov Model Perspective
Borchers, D. L. (PI)
1/05/22 → 31/01/23
Project: Standard
Understanding The Evolution: Understanding the Evolution and Conservation Consequences of Extreme Longevity in Arctic Marine Mammals.
Thomas, L. (PI)
31/03/22 → 30/03/24
Project: Standard
Multiscale mathematical modelling: Multiscale mathematical modelling of spatial eco-evolutionary cancer dynamics
Macfarlane, F. R. (PI)
The Royal Society of Edinburgh
1/03/22 → 31/05/22
Project: Fellowship
Cultural Evolution and the Online Social: Cultural Evolution and the Online Social Contract
Stewart, A. J. (PI)
1/02/22 → 31/01/25
Project: Standard
Maths Research Associates 2021: Maths Research Associates 2021
Mitchell, J. D. (PI)
1/08/21 → 30/04/24
Project: Standard
Manataki, A. (PI), McCowan, C. (CoI), Keenan, K. L. (CoI) & Papathomas, M. (CoI)
STAIRS - St Andrews Interdisciplinary Research Support
1/08/21 → 31/07/22
Project: Standard
Sabbatical Research Grant 2021: Sabbatical Research Grant
Fraser, J. (PI)
1/08/21 → 31/07/22
Project: Standard
Online Spatial Capture-Recapture: Online Spatial Capture-Recapture Workshop for Camera Trap Surveyors
Borchers, D. L. (PI)
1/08/21 → 31/03/22
Project: Standard
Disease trajectories of multimorbidity in Scotland: a data science approach
Manataki, A. (PI), Papathomas, M. (CoI), McCowan, C. (CoI) & Keenan, K. L. (CoI)
STAIRS - St Andrews Interdisciplinary Research Support
1/08/21 → 31/07/22
Project: Standard
People, Places, Practices: People, Places, Practices
Falconer, I. J. (PI)
12/07/21 → 15/07/21
Project: Standard
New computational methods to dissect complex disorders
Papathomas, M. (PI)
1/06/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Standard
History of Astronomy: History of Astronomy
Falconer, I. J. (PI) & Kent, D. (CoI)
1/06/21 → 5/07/21
Project: Standard
A Fudemental re-assessment of shallow: A Fundamental re-assessment of shallow-water fluid dynamics
Dritschel, D. G. (PI)
1/01/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Fellowship
Right Noetherian and coherent monoids: Right Noetherian and coherent monoids
Ruskuc, N. (PI)
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Standard
The Gravitational Constant 1890-1915: ‘The Gravitational Constant 1890-1915 – From the Local to the Universal
Falconer, I. J. (PI)
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Standard
Mathematical COVID-19 infection: Multiscale mathematical modelling of within-host COVID-19 infection and between-host transmission
Chaplain, M. A. J. (PI)
1/12/20 → 31/07/21
Project: Standard
Improving effectiveness of naval enviro: Improving effectiveness of naval environmental impact assessments for marine mammals
Thomas, L. (PI)
1/12/20 → 30/06/21
Project: Standard
StAn Space Weather Active Region Monitor: S2WARM : St Andrews Space Weather Active Region Monitor
Mackay, D. H. (PI)
1/12/20 → 30/06/21
Project: Standard
Seleno-proteins in prostate cancer risk: Profiling seleno-proteins in prostate cancer to understand risk
Lynch, A. (PI)
1/11/20 → 31/07/21
Project: Standard
London Mathematical Society (LMS) Early Career Fellowship
Margaritella, N. (PI)
1/08/20 → 28/02/21
Project: Fellowship
Connecting Theory and Satellite: Connecting Theory and Satellite Observations through Forward Modelling
De Moortel, I. (PI)
Science & Technology Facilities Council
1/07/20 → 31/12/20
Project: Standard
Mathematical Biology: Mathematical Biology: Modeling, analysis and Simulation
Lorenzi, T. (PI)
20/01/20 → 24/01/20
Project: Standard
SofTMech with MIT and POLIMI: SofTMech with MIT and POLIMI (SofTMechMP)
Chaplain, M. A. J. (PI)
1/01/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Standard
S2WARM : St Andrews Space Weather Active: S2WARM : St Andrews Space Weather Active Region Monitor
Mackay, D. H. (PI)
Science & Technology Facilities Council
1/10/19 → 30/06/20
Project: Standard
Fractal Geometry and Geometric Measure: Fractal Geometry and Geometric Measure Theory - One Day Meeting
Fraser, J. (PI)
2/09/19 → 3/09/19
Project: Standard
New perspectives in the dimension: New perspectives in the dimension theory of fractals
Fraser, J. (PI)
1/09/19 → 31/01/23
Project: Standard
Projection theorems: new perspectives: Projection Theorems: new perspectives on old problems
Falconer, K. J. (PI)
8/08/19 → 7/11/19
Project: Standard
Visit to UK - Pablo Shmerkin: Visit to UK - Pablo Shmerkin
Fraser, J. (PI)
29/07/19 → 31/12/19
Project: Standard
Taking Coronal Heating beyond the Corona: Taking Coronal Heating beyond the Corona
De Moortel, I. (PI)
1/07/19 → 30/06/24
Project: Standard
MacTutor Migration – phase 2: MacTutor Migration – phase 2
Falconer, I. J. (PI)
1/06/19 → 30/09/19
Project: Standard
QJMAM - Cicely Macnamara: QJMAM Award - Cicely Macnamara
Macnamara, C. K. (PI)
1/04/19 → 30/09/19
Project: Standard