Activities per year
- 26 results
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Tay5G Board (External organisation)
Chillas, S. A. (Participant)
Nov 2021 → Dec 2025Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Zero Waste Scotland (External organisation)
Wishart, L. J. (Participant)
2021Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Canada's Volunteer Awards National Advisory Committee (External organisation)
Dougherty, C. N. (Panel Member)
2019 → 2024Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Scottish Government (External organisation)
Ward, V. (Participant)
10 Aug 2018 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR) (External organisation)
Ferguson, R. J. (Participant)
Sept 2016Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) (External organisation)
Gray, R. H. (Participant)
2011 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Centre for the Moving Image (External organisation)
Townley, B. (Participant)
2010 → 2014Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Scottish Government (External organisation)
Bebbington, J. (Participant)
2009 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Scottish Creative Industries Partnership (External organisation)
Townley, B. (Participant)
2009 → 2012Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Carbon Accountability Programme (External organisation)
Gray, R. H. (Participant)
2008 → 2010Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Scottish Executive's 'Changing Lives: Practice Governance Group (External organisation)
Nutley, S. M. (Participant)
2007 → 2011Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
ESRC Seminar Workshop Board (External organisation)
Townley, B. (Participant)
2006 → 2007Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
ESRC Research Grants Board (External organisation)
Townley, B. (Participant)
2006 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
ICT Foresight Panel, National Council of Voluntary Organisations (External organisation)
Burt, E. (Participant)
2005 → 2007Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Social Work Inspection Agency (Scotland) (External organisation)
Nutley, S. M. (Participant)
2005 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
ESRC Research Grants Board (External organisation)
Townley, B. (Participant)
2004 → 2008Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Regulating the Voluntary Sector</i>, (with Taylor JA), July 2004. Seminar by invitation to the Whitehall Regulatory Impact network, the Regulatory Impact Unit, The Cabinet Office. (Event)
Burt, E. (Participant)
2004 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
European Group of Organizations (EGOS) (External organisation)
MacKay, B. (Panel Member)
2004 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
<i>Regulating the Voluntary Sector</i>, (with Taylor JA), September 2004. Seminar by invitation to the Better Regulation Task Force, independent body, reporting to the Prime Minister. (Event)
Burt, E. (Participant)
2004 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Scottish Executive Cabinet Sub-Committee on Sustainable Scotland (External organisation)
Bebbington, J. (Participant)
2001 → 2007Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
<i>The Scottish Voluntary Sector and Devolution</i>, Invited to participate in round-table discussion hosted by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Edinburgh. (Event)
Burt, E. (Participant)
2001 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Dow Chemical Company (External organisation)
Gray, R. H. (Participant)
1999 → 2005Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) (External organisation)
Townley, B. (Participant)
1997 → 1999Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Ethics for USS Steering Group (External organisation)
Gray, R. H. (Participant)
1997 → 2004Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA (External organisation)
Gray, R. H. (Panel Member)
1997 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Traidcraft Exchange (External organisation)
Gray, R. H. (Participant)
1995 → 1997Activity: Membership types › Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel