- 8 results
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Capitalising on creativity in the film and screen industry
Townley, B. (Participant)
Impact: Practitioner Impact
Developing and governing sustainable credit unions in the modern financial services industry of Ireland
Wilson, J. O. S. (Participant)
Impact: Public Policy Impact
Enhancing the use, influence and impact of research in policy and practice
Nutley, S. M. (Participant), Davies, H. T. O. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Public Policy Impact
Penalties set by Office of Fair Trading and the French Competition Authority
Ulph, D. T. (Participant) & Katsoulacos, Y. (Participant)
Impact: Public Policy Impact, Economic, Commercial Impact
Trade Union adoption of EU Electronic Monitoring report in its anti surveillance campaign
Ball, K. (Participant)
Impact: Practitioner Impact
Tuwekeze Pamoja: Working Together to Give Children in Tanzania a Better Start
Leighton, M. A. (Participant)
Impact: Practitioner Impact, Public Policy Impact, Health and Welfare Impact, Educational Impact (Beyond St Andrews)