Understanding film festivals: The global cinema curcuit


Description of impact

In 2008-2018 we carried out cosiderable research, publication, and public engagement work that highlighted the dynamics of the global film festival circuit as a channel that not only facilitates the circulation of cinema but also shapes public discourse.
The work was soon embraced by a number of international film festivals. The massive information we had organised and shared, the networked knowledge we had created, and the comprehensive analysis we had offered was empowering for festivals: it helped them improve their understanding their role and contribution to society.
Today, festival managers and programmers from around the world show familiarity with our work and readily recognise its influence. They have become end users and pro-actively seek our involvement – be it to serve on juries or to present our expert knowledge in the context of special events they organise or in seeking our advice and support on a variety of matters. A number of fruitful collaborations with film festivals have come into being not only for us but also for a wide range of academics gobally, whose expertise is recognized and sought out.

Who is affected

International Film Festivals


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Impact statusClosed
Impact date2008


  • film festivals