Tuwekeze Pamoja: Working Together to Give Children in Tanzania a Better Start

    Impact: Practitioner Impact, Public Policy Impact, Health and Welfare Impact, Educational Impact (Beyond St Andrews)

    Description of impact

    The purpose of this project is to provide timely research support and
    baseline data analysis at the inception stage of an early childhood care and
    development project soon to be implemented by Save the Children in
    Songwe, Tanzania. The baseline study for the project, known as Tuwekeze
    Pamoja (‘Bringing Together’), is scheduled for late 2017-early 2018.
    Following the baseline study, the intervention will be finalized and
    initiated in 2018.
    This project seeks funding to enhance the existing learning agenda of the
    Tuwekeze Pamoja, putting it on track to generate high-quality causal
    evidence of both practical and academic value. This is a unique
    opportunity to simultaneously generate research advances on early
    childhood interventions and to influence the implementation of a highprofile
    development project, which aims to generate learning and
    evidence that can inform policy and practice within Tanzania ta a district
    and national level. Additional funding secured through this application will
    both strengthen the research capacity fo the Tuwekeze Pamoja
    programme team and enable them to invest greater resources in baseline
    data collection and analysis, building a strong foundation on which further
    studies of the 10-year project will be based.
    Impact statusClosed
    Category of impactPractitioner Impact, Public Policy Impact, Health and Welfare Impact, Educational Impact (Beyond St Andrews)
    Impact levelInvolvement - mid or active stage