Description of impact

Policy impact, conceptual impact, practice impact in terms of golf course management, change in organisational practice (eg R&A), environmental benefits. Initial golf collaborations with R and A and European Federation conference and with sabbatical visitor from USA; conference interaction. The GoGolf Europe project underway now is part funded by the European Commission through Erasmus+ channels. The aim is to explore how to increase access to and participation in golf, as a means of enhancing health and wellbeing; particularly in young people. It is a complex project for which University of St Andrews is the research partner, but it is driven by the European Golf Association and includes The Professional Golf Associations’ of Europe, the Golf Federations of the five participating European countries and the European Observatoire of Sport and Employment, with involvement from the R&A and The European Tour.

Who is affected

Major golf organisations; golf federations; golf training; reach 640 youth directly but also practice in 5 countries; Interaction with Edin is leading to more global impact on health and physical activity.

Wider conceptualisation of health and wellbeing deriving from sport.
Significant change in the way we engage young people. Practical increase in participation in sport form hard to reach groups. More sustainable practice across golf courses in tems of social and environmental benefits.
Impact statusClosed
Impact date1 Jan 2013


  • sustainability
  • golf
  • sport
  • well-being