Researching the Past: Scotland and the Wider World 1400-1800

  • Steven Watt Murdoch (Participant)


Description of impact

My major ongoing research project, ‘Scotland and the Wider World’ has been selected as the showcase for public impact and engagement by the School of History and forms the core two significant grant applications for public events to be hosted by the School in September 2010 and follow up academic workshops in 2011. A series of events organised under the heading ‘Researching the Past: Scotland and the Wider World 1400-1800’ was organised in September 2010 and included a series of public lectures, podcasts and subsequent publications. Analysis of online and in person participation revealed substantial impact arising from the project. Significant funding came from the European Commission ‘Marie Curie Specific Action Scheme Grant’, value £90k. The project itself has to date attracted 7 PhD students and been contributed to through a number of MLitt Dissertations.

Who is affected

Academics and the General Public
Impact statusClosed
Impact date19 Jan 201024 Sept 2010