Capitalising on creativity in the film and screen industry

    Impact: Practitioner Impact


    This case study explains how research conducted by Townley and colleagues in the Institute for Capitalising on Creativity (ICC) has impacted the ability of Scotland's film industry to capitalise on its intellectual property (films and related creative content) and compete in national and international markets. The research directly benefited over 20 companies and the non-departmental government body that supports them, Creative Scotland. The impacts on film companies include improved marketing and distribution campaigns, access to innovative digital technology, diversified revenue opportunities, developed skillsets and attraction of increased investment. Creative Scotland has benefitted from redeveloped and increased industry funding programmes, improved capture and use of industry data, and enhanced staff skills.
    The research, considering the management and exploitation of digital technology in the film industry, includes a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) conducted during 2010-2012 and a PhD studentship (2012-ongoing), and builds on research during 2006-2013 into the capital foundations of the creative industries.
    Impact statusOpen
    Category of impactPractitioner Impact


    • REF2014 case study