VizieR Online Data Catalog: Exoplanet magnetic fields (Vidotto+, 2011)

  • Aline De Almeida Vidotto (Creator)
  • Moira Mary Jardine (Creator)
  • Christiane Helling (Creator)



An asymmetry between the ingress and egress times was observed in thenear-UV light curve of the transit planet WASP-12b. Such asymmetry ledus to suggest that the early ingress in the UV light curve of WASP-12b,compared to the optical observations, is caused by a shock around theplanet, and that shocks should be a common feature in transitingsystems. Here, we classify all the transiting systems known to dateaccording to their potential for producing shocks that could causeobservable light curve asymmetries.(1 data file).
Date made available1 Aug 2011
PublisherVizieR On-line Data Catalog

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