Research data supporting 'High-Bandwidth Low-Cost High-Speed Optical Fiber Links using Organic Light Emitting Diodes'



Research data supporting 'High-Bandwidth Low-Cost High-Speed Optical Fiber Links using Organic Light Emitting Diodes'.

Fig. 1c data is current and voltage measurements for the three areas (0.12 mm2, 1.1 mm2, 9 mm2) of OLED.
Fig. 1d data is the 3dB electrical bandwidth measurement for each bias current for the three areas of OLED, measured according to S21 measurements using a vector network analyser.

Fig. 2b & 2c data is the equivalent RC circuit that obtains the bandwidth of the measured OLEDs. The capacitance is the equivalent small signal capacitance measured according to high frequency S11 measurements from the vector network analyser.
The resistance parameters are fit to the measured bandwidths of fig 1d.

Fig. 2d data refers to the 0.12 mm2 OLED and plots the measured S21 frequency response (columns AF-AH) against the S21 model defined by the equivalent RC circuit predicted in the previous sheet (Fig. 2b 2c), according to a standard [1/(1+jwRC)] model, calculated in columns Q-S. This is added to the standard response of a 100kHz high-pass filter (V-X) to calculate the total modelled response (Col AA-AC).

Fig. 2e and Fig 2f data plots the same as Fig. 2d, but for the 1.1 mm2 and 9 mm2 OLEDs, respectively.

Fig. 3b plots the Bit Error Rate (BER) against the Data Rate. The BER (col. C) is calculated according to the Q-factor (col. B), which is calculated according to the standard equation Q = [mu1-mu0]/[sig1-sig0], where mu1,0 and sig1,0 refer to the mean and standard deviation of the received signal bit 1 and bit 0.

The eye pattern of Fiv 3b is plotted according to the raw data from the oscilloscope at 80 Mbps transmission. The plotted values are seen in cols. H-OP for multiple data sequences, with time recorded in col. G.

The data in Fig 4a plots the unequalised eye-pattern at 140 Mbps for 349 sequences [cols C-MM].

Fig. 4b passes the data in fig 4a through a 3-tap feedforward equaliser with tap coefficients defined in row [1] of this sheet, and receives the output data as defined in cols C-ML.

This is repeated for Fig 4c & 4d at 200 Mbps.
Date made available30 Apr 2019
PublisherUniversity of Cambridge

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