
Mapped organic carbon (OC) density of surficial soils across Scottish saltmarsh. The OC density (kg m-2) for the surficial soils (top 10 cm) is mapped across Scottish saltmarshes identified in the Scottish Saltmarsh Survey (Haynes, 2016). Additionally, OC densities have been extrapolated for saltmarsh soils to a depth of 15cm for the purposes of comparison to United Kingdom terrestrial soil carbon inventories.
The spatial maps are built upon surficial (top 10 cm) soil bulk density and carbon data produced by the NERC C-Side project (Ruranska et al., 2020) combined with existing saltmarsh vegetation maps (Haynes, 2016).
Date made available14 Sept 2021
PublisherMarine Scotland Science
Geographical coverageScotland


  • carbon
  • salt marsh
  • saltmarsh
  • coastal
  • soil
  • climate
  • stocks
  • stores
  • organic carbon
  • blue carbon
  • Global dataset of soil organic carbon in tidal marshes

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Blue carbon stock in Scottish saltmarsh soils

    Austin, W., Smeaton, C., Riegel, S., Ruranska, P. & Miller, L., 14 Sept 2021, Marine Scotland. 46 p. (Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science; vol. 12, no. 13)

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

    Open Access

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