New Investigations of Monsoon Depressions Using Observational Data, Theory and Numerical Experiments (thesis data)



Graphs and schematics used in the thesis.
Graphs in Chapters 1 and 2 are analyses of ERA5 data, and a schematic.
Graphs in Chapters 3 and 4 are a mixture of analysis of numerical experiments, with a model of the author's own creation, and ERA5 and CMIP6 data, and a schematic.
Graphs in Chapter 5 are analysis of experiments with the Isca GCM, with the author's own configuration and implementation, and analysis of ERA5 data and the model from the previous chapters.
The data files are embargoed until 16/08/2026
Date made available16 Aug 2026
PublisherUniversity of St Andrews
Date of data production1 Jan 2021 - 20 Apr 2023

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