Mood and AMS = 44 participants completed the autobiographical memory test (AMT) and a measure of executive function (letter and category fluency) before and after undergoing a positive or negative mood induction. They also rated their happy and sad moods pre and post MI and completed the Beck Depression Inventory to control for ongoing depression. The variables of interest were proportion of specific memories retrieved in response to positive and negative cues on the AMT, the ratings of mood, and the number of words generated on the fluency tasks. These measures were taken pre and post the MI. We also calculated change scores pre to post MI.
Mood and SPS = 40 participants completed the means end problem solving task (MEPS) and a measure of executive function (letter and category fluency) before and after undergoing a positive or negative mood induction. They also rated their happy and sad moods pre and post MI and completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale to control for ongoing depression. The variables of interest were the number of relevant solutions (referred to as means) generated in response to the MEPS scenarios, the rated effectiveness of these means, the ratings of mood, and the number of words generated on the fluency tasks. These measures were taken pre and post the MI. We also calculated change scores pre to post MI.