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Beating Lasers: Long-term monitoring: Beating Lasers: Long Term monitoring of cardiac cells with intracellular lasers
Schubert, M. (PI)
31/03/18 → 30/03/22
Project: Standard
Resonant and shaped photonics for under: Resonant and shaped photonics for understanding the physical and biomedical world
Dholakia, K. (PI) & Gather, M. C. (CoI)
1/08/17 → 31/07/22
Project: Standard
ISSF3 Wellcome Trust Award: Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF3)
Brown, C. T. A. (PI)
1/03/17 → 29/02/20
Project: Standard
Living Lasers: H2020 Marie Curie Fellowship 2014 LIVING LASERS
Gather, M. C. (PI)
1/08/15 → 31/07/17
Project: Fellowship
H2020 ERC Starting Grant ABLASE: H2020 ERC Starting Grant ABLASE (Grant Agreement No. 640012)
Gather, M. C. (PI)
1/06/15 → 31/05/21
Project: Standard