This file contains the data on which the paper entitled - “Level of local human disturbance and feeding state determines escape behaviour in Eurasian Oystercatchers" was based. The data can be cited as:
Azaki, DA Bukola; Cresswell, Will (2021), Primary data for "Level of local human disturbance and feeding state determines escape behaviour in Eurasian Oystercatchers", Mendeley Data, V1, doi: <strong>10.17632</strong>/<strong>rd6n2xjwwx</strong>.<strong>1</strong>
day - the day of the month in which the observation was made
month - the month of the year in which the observation was made
year - the year in which the observation was made
hour - the hour of the day in which the observation was made
minutes - the minutes of the hour of the day in which the observation was made
hourt - the predicted hour of low tide minutest - the predicted minutes of the hour of low tide
tideh - the predicted low tide height
timeobs - the time of observation converted to numeric scale using the formula (hour+(minutes/60)
timetide - the time of low tide converted to numeric scale using the formula (hour+(minutes/60)
tide - tide phase as low or high tide
site - the site in which the observation was made
humanp - whether humans were present or not
habitat - the type of habitat the focal bird was in during the observation
numple - the number of people within about 150 meters of the focal bird
sightd - the distance at which the bird was first sighted by the researcher
startd - the distance at which the researcher commenced intentional, direct approach towards the focal bird
fid - the distance at which the focal bird responded by moving away (either by running or flying) in response to the researcher
numoys - the number of Eurasian Oystercatchers present within a 10-meter radius of the focal bird.
numobirds - the number of other birds within a 10-meter radius of the focal bird
tgroups - the total number of birds within a 10-meter radius of the focal bird
flocktyp - whether the flock consisted of the same species or of two or more species
nearestn - the distance between the focal bird and its nearest neighbour
activity - the activity that the focal bird was engaged in at the start of the approach