Hakalau Bioacoustic Surveys and Models 2015

  • Richard Joseph Camp (Creator)
  • Esther Sebastián-González (Creator)



In this study, we create and evaluate a protocol to estimate the density, which can be used to estimate the abundance of terrestrial sound-producing animals from single automatic sound recorders. The protocol uses cue rates from the target species as well as sampling conditions and an estimate of the distance of the individual to the recorder based on the power of the sound. We applied our protocol to estimate the density of two Hawaiian forest bird species (Hawaiˊi ˊamakihi, Chlorodrepanis virens and ˊōmaˊo, Myadestes obscurus) on the island of Hawaiˊi, USA. We validate our approach by comparing our density estimations with others calculated at the same stations using a traditional point-transect distance sampling method based on human observations. Both rain and wind affected the analyses and were included in the density estimation. In general, the density estimates based on acoustic signs were lower than those based on human-made surveys, but the estimates were relatively close, especially for one species, the ˊōmaˊo, validating our protocol.

First release - January 18, 2017
Revised - August 2018, ver. 1.1
Date made available22 Aug 2018
PublisherU.S. Geological Survey
Date of data production27 Jul 2015 - 17 Aug 2015

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