Gl 725A b: a potential super-Earth detected with SOPHIE and SPIRou in an M dwarf binary system at 3.5 pc (dataset)


  • Gl 725A b: a potential super-Earth detected with SOPHIE and SPIRou in an M dwarf binary system at 3.5 pc

    Cortes-Zuleta, P., Boisse, I., Ould-Elhkim, M., Wilson, T. G., Larue, P., Carmona, A., Delfosse, X., Donati, J.-F., Forveille, T., Moutou, C., Cameron, A. C., Artigau, E., Acuña, L., Altinier, L., Astudillo-Defru, N., Baruteau, C., Bonfils, X., Cabrit, S., Cadieux, C. & Cook, N. J. & 17 others, Decocq, E., Diaz, R. F., Fouque, P., Gomes da Silva, J., Grankin, K., Grouffal, S., Hara, N., Hebrard, G., Heidari, N., Martins, J. H. C., Martioli, E., Maurice, M., Scigliuto, J., Serrano Bell, J., Sulis, S., Petit, A. C. & Vivien, H. G., Jan 2025, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 693, 18 p., A164.

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    Open Access

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