Genomic evolution of breast cancer metastasis and relapse - Yates et al.



The zip file contains three folders, which group somatically acquired indels, structural variants and substitutions. Within each of these folders, there are individual tab-delimited text files containing the calls for each patient separately, together with which samples within each patient the mutation was identified in.

Data arise from whole genome sequencing of primary and metastatic / relapsing breast cancers.
Date made available28 Jun 2017
PublisherMendeley Data
  • Genomic evolution of breast cancer metastasis and relapse

    Yates, L. R., Knappskog, S., Wedge, D., Farmery, J. H. R., Gonzalez, S., Martincorena, I., Alexandrov, L. B., Van Loo, P., Haugland, H. K., Lilleng, P. K., Gundem, G., Gerstung, M., Pappaemmanuil, E., Gazinska, P., Bhosle, S. G., Jones, D., Raine, K., Mudie, L., Latimer, C. & Sawyer, E. & 10 others, Desmedt, C., Sotiriou, C., Stratton, M. R., Sieuwerts, A. M., Lynch, A. G., Martens, J. W., Richardson, A. L., Tutt, A., Lønning, P. E. & Campbell, P. J., 14 Aug 2017, In: Cancer Cell. 32, 2, p. 169-184 e7.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access

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