Dielectric barrier plasma discharge exsolution of nanoparticles at room temperature and atmospheric pressure dataset

  • Atta Haq (Creator)
  • Fiorenza Fanelli (Creator)
  • Leonidas Bekris (Creator)
  • Steve Lee (Creator)
  • Hessan Khalid (Creator)
  • Cristian D Savaniu (Creator)
  • Kalliopi Kousi (Creator)
  • Ian S. Metcalfe (Creator)
  • John Thomas Sirr Irvine (Creator)
  • Paul Maguire (Creator)
  • Evangelos I. Papaioannou (Creator)
  • Davide Mariotti (Creator)
  • Davide Mariotti (Contributor)



The dataset that corresponds to the results reported in the paper are included within this record as an Excel file and with tabs corresponding to each figure. Additional results and raw data underlying this work (full set of microscopy images and size analysis and statistics, high resolution deconvoluted x-ray photoelectron spectra and control magnetic measurements) are available in the Supporting Information (in PDF format) or on request following instructions provided here. This work has been supported by EPSRC through the UK Catalysis Hub (EP/R027129/1) and the Emergent Nanomaterials-Critical Mass Initiative (EP/R023638/1, EP/R023921/1, EP/R023522/1, EP/R008841/1) as well as the Royal Society (IES\R2\212049). F.F. gratefully acknowledges support from the National Research Council of Italy (2020 STM program). I.S.M. acknowledges funding from the Royal Academy of Engineering through a Chair in Emerging Technologies Award entitled “Engineering Chemical Reactor Technologies for a Low-Carbon Energy Future” (Grant CiET1819\2\57). KK acknowledges funding from the Henry Royce Institute (EP/X527257/1).
Date made available31 Jan 2023
PublisherUlster University
Date of data production1 Jun 2018

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