Data underpinning - Near-infrared exciton-polaritons in strongly coupled single-walled carbon nanotube microcavities

  • Arko Graf (Creator)
  • Laura Christine Tropf (Creator)
  • Yuriy Zakharko (Creator)
  • Jana Zaumseil (Creator)
  • Malte Christian Gather (Creator)



The attached data files underpin the publication "Near-infrared exciton-polaritons in strongly coupled single-walled carbon nanotube microcavities". The following file types and formats are included:

- data used for line graphs ending with -modes.txt or -data.txt (can be opened with a text editor)
- data used for reflectivity/PL contour plots ending with R/PL-2D.txt (can be opened with a text editor); in these files the first column contains the energy in eV and the first row the angle in °
- data used for PL excitation maps ending with -PLE.txt (can be opened with a text editor); in these files the first column contains the emission energy in eV and the first row the excitation energy in eV
Date made available11 Oct 2016
PublisherUniversity of St Andrews

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