Data till: Transport of magma in granitic mush systems; An example from the Götemar pluton, Sweden

  • Tobias Mattsson (University College Stockholm, Sweden) (Creator)
  • William McCarthy (Creator)
  • Tobias Schmiedel (Creator)



Data collected for a study on magma transport in the Götemar mushy granite pluton. The data were generated for the study 'Transport of magma in granitic mush systems; An example from the Götemar pluton, Sweden'. Description of the data, variables and file format are provided in attached the README file and Variable codebook. Below follow a short description of the methods used to collect the data. We mapped magma transport features by tracing magma sheet contacts with tracks using a handheld GPS. The orientation (strike and dip) of magma transport features was measured with an electronic compass using an Iphone 8. 53 granite samples were collected from the Götemar granite. Between six and 27 (avg. 15 per sample), 25 mm × 22 mm core (sub)specimens were extracted from each of the oriented block samples and were used for rock magnetic analysis undertaken at the M3Ore lab at the University of St. Andrews. The cores were analysed with Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility using a KLY-5 Kappabridge using a 3D automatic spinning holder in a field 400 A/m and with a frequency of 1440 Hz. To characterise the magnetic mineralogy we used several different remanent magnetization techniques on the cores including, Isothermal remanent magnetization and demagnetization, Anhysteretic remanent magnetization and demagnetization, Natural remanent demagnetization and 3-component demagnetization measurements. Core specimen magnetization was measured in a shielded room with a Agico JR-6a Magnetometer. Core specimens were magnetized with a Magnetic Instruments pulse magnetizer and Agico PAM pulse and anhysteretic magnetizer. Core specimens were demagnetized with a LDA5 Agico Alternating Field demagnetizer and a MMTD thermal demagnetizer.
Date made available6 Oct 2023
PublisherStockholm University
Date of data production17 Aug 2020 - 13 Nov 2022

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