Data from: Harbour seals avoid tidal turbine noise: implications for collision risk



Dataset content.
JApEcol_Hastie_etal_observation_data_Dryad: land based observer data (.xlsx) used in the analysis of seal responses to tidal turbine sounds. This is effectively counts of seals observed in the water during acoustic playbacks of tidal turbine sound and silent controls. Data were collected by a series of observers located on a clifftop overlooking the study area (Kyle Rhea, Isle of Skye, Scotland) README file is provided as a tab in the file.
JApEcol_Hastie_etal_seal_telemetry_data_Dryad: harbour seal telemetry data (.xlsx) used in the analysis of changes in usage with distance from the location of playbacks of tidal turbine sound. The data are regularised lat-lon locations from 10 individual harbour seals tagged with GPS telemetry devices. README is provided as a tab in the file.
STIMweighted_J11_1hour_withRamp: sound file (.wav) used during playbacks of simulated tidal turbine sound to harbour seals to investigate avoidance responses. The file has a 10 second ramp at the start and end of the file, and is frequency weighted for use with a J11 underwater speaker.
Date made available27 Jul 2017

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