Computer code for: Evo-devo dynamics of human brain size

  • Mauricio González-Forero (Creator)



This software contains the computer code of "Evo-devo dynamics of human brain size" by Mauricio González-Forero. Below I describe the files contained in the zip file which are needed to run the brain model and create the figures in the main text. These files were prepared to run in Julia 1.7.2. The files are divided in three sets. Set 1 RunBrain.jl: Main file. Run this file to run the brain model. BrainParameters.jl: This file specifies the parameter values. BrainFunctions.jl: This file defines the functions used to run the brain model, except for the functions used in the socio-devo dynamics phase. BrainFunctionsSDS.jl: This file defines the functions used in the socio-devo dynamics phase. Set 2 MakeBrainGifs.jl: This file makes a gif plotting the developmental dynamics that change over evolutionary time. MakeBrainPlots.jl: This file makes the plots for Figs. 1, 2a, 3, and 5 of the main text and Figs. S1-S4, S6-S8 of the Supplementary Materials. BrainPlotFunctions.jl: This file defines the functions used to make these plots. Set 3 PlotBrainAllometry-Randomy.jl: This file makes the plots for Fig. 2b of the main text and Fig. S5 of the Supplementary Materials. xFunction.jl: This file defines the phenotype x as a function of the genotype y, which is used to compute the phenotype with random genotypes in PlotBrainAllometry-Randomy.jl. Set 4 SixHomoPlot.jl: This file makes the plots for Fig. 4 of the main text.
Date made available2023


  • Software

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