Ageing, Adipokines and Alzheimer's Disease: Exploring the Neuroprotective Effects of Leptin and Cholecystokinin. (thesis data)



Excel files of raw data from thesis (.xlsx)
images from microscope in .tiff and .czi (requires imageJ to open)
statistical analysis .pzf (requires prism graphpad to open)

Images with the ending .czi can be opened using the bioformats importer in FIJI (Fiji Is Just ImageJ).
In the imports options menu uncheck any boxes except Autoscale. View stack with: Hyperstack, Stack order: XYCZT, ROI Import Mode: ROI manager, Colour mode: Colorized.

unless otherwise stated images were taken at x63 magnification.

CCK = cholecystokinin
ICC = immunocutochemistry
undiff = unidfferentiated cells
diff = differentiated cells (in receptor images this indicates cells which have been in retinoic acid for 5-7days then fixed and imaged)
NP = no primary (primary anitbody lacking control)
expo = exposure (followed by a number in ms)
exp = experiment
img = image
SF = serum free
0 = control condition
A7 = A71623 (CCK1R/CCKAR receptor agonist)
DAF2 = DAF2-DA (dye)
H2 = H2DCFA (dye)
HS = heatshock
APP = amyloid precursor protein
PSN1 = presenilin 1
ptau = phosphorylated tau (ser282 unless otherwise stated)
ABAD/ERAB = amyloid binding alcohol dehydrogenase
AD = Alzheimer's Disease
116-130 = leptin fragment 116-130
TR = texas red
DL = dylight 488

Cat brains
- Bruce = 4 year old cat = young cat
- Napoleon = 9 year old cat = old cat
O = occipital
P = parietal
R = Rostral
C = cerebellum
Date made available11 Nov 2024
PublisherUniversity of St Andrews
Date of data production2014 - 2019

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