Additional file 1 of Practical application of a Bayesian network approach to poultry epigenetics and stress

  • Emiliano A. Videla Rodriguez (University of St Andrews) (Creator)
  • Fábio Pértille (Creator)
  • Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna (Creator)
  • John B. O. Mitchell (Creator)
  • Per Jensen (Creator)
  • V Anne Smith (Creator)



Additional file 1. Arcs and their corresponding probabilities of being part of a high scoring network.List of arcs identified between differentially methylated regions and with the stress condition, with their corresponding probabilities of being part of a high scoring network. The first column (“arc”) is an arbiratry numbering for the arc;the second column (“from”) represents the parent node for each arc (arcs from); the third column (“to”) represents the child node for each arc (arcs to); the third column (“Average.Probablity”) represents the average probability value for each arc of being part of a high scoring network.
Date made available2022

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