A detailed investigation of particle energisation mechanisms in models of collapsing magnetic traps (dataset)

  • Kate Mowbray (Creator)
  • Thomas Neukirch (Contributor)
  • James Threlfall (Contributor)



Particle orbit data in the form of .dat files with each including the details of a particle orbit. The data underlie results in the paper of the same name (in preparation). Data are accessed using getrdata.pro taking the form ds=getrdata(N, TYPE, wkdir='DIRECTORY'), where N is the number associated with the data set, TYPE is the type of information required from the data set (gives the 3D spatial extent of the particle orbit if left blank, the kinetic energy and size of energisation terms if TYPE=/ke, drift terms if TYPE=/drifts). The wkdir command is optional and must be used if the folder that the data are in is not Data/DataR, in which case the directory must be specified.
Date made available11 Dec 2024
PublisherUniversity of St Andrews
Date of data production17 Sept 2022 - 27 Aug 2024

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