Project venus

  • Emma Black
  • Theresa Malaney
  • Maggie Aitken
  • Consuelo Servan
  • Patricia Kerr

Press/Media: Other

Period25 Aug 2016

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleProject Venus
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletWaverley Care Comms
    Media typePrint
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Descriptiona collaborative exhibition project between artists and the community, exploring the effects of gendered imagery on women's health and wellbeing. The exhibition opened at Ocean Terminal, Edinburgh on 1st August 2016, and will travel to Scottish venues throughout 2017. The project artworks were made during a series of creative outreach sessions with Waverley Care, Willow and Craigmillar Community Arts Centre. The Project was funded by Awards for All, The Elizabeth Holt Scholarship, Edinburgh & Lothians Health Foundation, and Wellcome Trust ISSF PE Bursary.
    Producer/AuthorWaverley Care › international-womens-day-2017
    PersonsEmma Black, Theresa Malaney , Maggie Aitken , Consuelo Servan , Patricia Kerr