Major north-east research breakthrough could lead to cures for infertility and blindness

Press/Media: Relating to Research


The major breakthrough could lead to future treatments for vitamin-related diseases, including anaemia, infertility and even blindness. A study conducted by Professor Peter McCaffery and Dr Peter Ikhianosimhe Imoesi was able to identify a role for the brain in vitamin regulation. The study, initially conducted on rats, looked at vitamin A and how the brain reacts to it. Vitamin A is essential for life, but until now, it was not known how it is maintained in the body.

Period9 Aug 2023

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleMajor north-east research breakthrough could lead to cures for infertility and blindness
    Degree of recognitionLocal
    Media name/outletAberdeenLive
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionThe major breakthrough could lead to future treatments for vitamin-related diseases, including anaemia, infertility and even blindness. A study conducted by Professor Peter McCaffery and Dr Peter Ikhianosimhe Imoesi was able to identify a role for the brain in vitamin regulation. The study, initially conducted on rats, looked at vitamin A and how the brain reacts to it. Vitamin A is essential for life, but until now, it was not known how it is maintained in the body.
    Producer/AuthorThomas Durham
    PersonsPeter Imoesi