Period | 2 Apr 2020 |
Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Οι στολές-σύμβολο της μάχης κατά του κορονοϊού Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Protagon Media type Web Country/Territory Greece Date 2/04/20 Producer/Author Kiki Triantafylli URL Persons Christos Lynteris
- COVID-19
- coronavirus
- mask
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Research output
Plague masks: the visual emergence of anti-epidemic personal protection equipment
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Why shutting down Chinese ‘wet markets’ could be a terrible mistake
Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
The epidemic control measures in China from a historical perspective
Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
COVID-19 Forum
Research output: Contribution to journal › Special issue
Why do people really wear face masks during an epidemic?
Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Featured article
Social Dimensions of the Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Outbreak and Response
Research output: Book/Report › Other report
Menutup pasar basah tradisional di Cina bisa menjadi kesalahan fatal. Ini penjelasan ahli
Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
Coronavirus: pourquoi fermer les marchés aux animaux en Chine serait une très mauvaise idée
Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
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COVID-19 Forum: Introduction
Research output: Contribution to journal › Editorial