Workshop on common MSFD seal indicators M-3 and M-5

  • Nora Nell Hanson (Organiser)

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in or organising a workshop, seminar, course


This workshop was organized by JNCC and SMRU to facilitate the development of OSPAR’s MSFD Biodiversity Common Indicators M3 – Seal abundance and distribution, and M5 Grey Seal Pup production. The UK was nominated by OSPAR’s Biological Diversity Committee to lead on the development of these two indicators. Ian Mitchell (JNCC) is providing the technical lead on behalf of Defra. The development of these indicators is being overseen by OSPAR’s Inter-sessional Correspondence Group on the Co-ordination of Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring (ICG-COBAM).
Period18 Mar 201519 Mar 2015
Event typeOther