The Harbour Seal Decline Project – Looking at the decline on harbour seal numbers in different areas of Scotland.

  • Monica Arso Civil (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


Harbour seals have dramatically declined in numbers around the east and north coast of Scotland and in the Northern Isles since around 2000. The Sea Mammal Research Unit (University of St Andrews) are carrying out a long term investigation into this decline, funded by the Scottish Government. The study uses telemetry devices to identify the seal’s feeding areas and movement patterns, and photo-identification techniques to identify individual seals to ultimately estimate their survival and birth rates. The study focuses in areas with contrasting population trajectories, i.e. areas such as Orkney where the numbers of seals have been continuously declining versus areas such as the West Coast where the numbers of seals have been stable over time. Come along and get an update on how the project is coming along since it started in 2015!
Period13 Sept 2017
Held atScottish Wildlife Trust, United Kingdom
Degree of RecognitionLocal