The Art of Energy

  • Field, S. (Member of organising committee)
  • High, M. M. (Member of organising committee)
  • Anna Raphaela Kyra K Rauter (Member of organising committee)
  • Sarah O'Brien (Member of organising committee)

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in or organising a conference


Global energy demand continues to rise. To meet this demand energy producers are increasingly relying on innovative methods of harvesting energy from fossil fuels, nuclear and renewable sources. At the same time, public concern about the impact of anthropogenic climate change is growing, alongside tense conflicts over the human and environmental impact of energy production, distribution, consumption and waste-handling. Recognising that this energy predicament has no simple answer, it raises fundamental questions about what we consider to be right or good, and the kinds of energy futures we envision for ourselves, our communities, and future generations around the world.

How would you artistically conceptualise our current energy predicament where we need to balance energy demand with concern about human-driven climate change? How can we make sense of the entanglement of life with energy in the past, present and future?
Period25 Feb 202126 Feb 2021
Event typeExhibition
Degree of RecognitionInternational